Recently, lawmakers have enacted the Collaborative Family Law Act, which allows couples to use non-adversarial means to resolve disputes.

A Frisco collaborative divorce lawyer could discuss with you the benefits of this approach. Not only is it more cost-efficient, but it can help guarantee privacy. The collaborative approach with counsel from a knowledgeable divorce attorney considers each party’s current goals with the dispute and looks for potential issues that may arise.

The Collaborative Divorce Process

Spouses participating in a collaborative divorce will attend a series of scheduled meetings with a team of their lawyer and other neutral professionals. The meetings typically last two hours and occur on a schedule based on the parties’ disputes. The average collaborative divorce case can be resolved in four to six meetings, which is much shorter than the average litigated divorce. A collaborative divorce attorney in Frisco could help prepare spouses for the process and tell them what to expect during these meetings.

Although collaborative divorce and mediation are similar in that both processes are confidential and non-adversarial ways to resolve disputes, there are key differences. Mediation occurs over one or two longer meetings, and a neutral mediator meets to gather information and facilitate an agreement between the parties, but a collaborative divorce process involves shorter meetings spread out over time, where the parties resolve issues until a comprehensive and binding agreement is distributed. At the end, the parties will have a final divorce agreement.

Reasons to Consider Collaborative Divorce

Opting for collaborative divorce instead of litigation can offer many benefits to couples.

Lower Legal Fees

A highly contested divorce can cost the parties a significant amount of time and money. The collaborative approach can streamline these costs and resolve disputes in a more cost-efficient manner.

More Efficient

A collaborative divorce is less time consuming than litigating a divorce because the process moves quicker than traditional litigation and allows the couple to resolve disputes in a friendlier way.

Maintains Privacy

The collaborative process is more confidential than court proceedings, which are public records. For couples in the public eye or with valuable assets, a collaborative divorce can help preserve their privacy and confidentiality.

Helps Avoid Contentious Disputes

Divorces require couples to come to an agreement on some difficult issues like child custody, long-term parenting plans, the division of marital property, and spousal support. In a collaborative divorce, the spouses can sit down and discuss what makes sense based on their circumstances.

When spouses agree on tough decisions, a collaborative divorce could be right for them. A lawyer could explain whether a couple would benefit from this process.

Ask an Attorney in Frisco About Collaborative Divorce

While collaborative divorce can be a viable option for some couples, there are other scenarios where filing for divorce makes more sense. This is especially true for couples that are battling contentious disputes or emotional situations, or when substance abuse or domestic violence is a factor in the separation.

Before deciding which type of divorce is right for you and your spouse, talk to a Frisco collaborative divorce lawyer. We understand the advantages and disadvantages of filing for divorce versus opting for the collaborative approach and could help you seek the divorce arrangement that best meets your goals. To discuss whether collaborative divorce is right for you, contact our office to schedule a confidential consultation.

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Our Law Firm’s approach to your case is based on individual circumstances. Whether it is a simple negotiated settlement, or it requires an aggressive approach, we will protect and defend your best interests.

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