A divorce or separation from a partner can be an incredibly difficult period. Of the many considerations you must face, child support can be one of the most contentious issues you have to resolve.
A Frisco child support lawyer from our firm could listen to your concerns and evaluate all options on the table for your case. Let our dedicated family attorney ensure you understand the rights and obligations you have to seek or pay support for the children you share with your former partner.
Child support is intended to cover a variety of needs that may arise over the course of a child’s care and upbringing. This can include the cost of food, clothing, accommodation, and education, as well as other expenses such as extracurricular activities. A child support agreement can also include provisions detailing specific expenses one or both parents are obligated to cover, such as the child’s medical care and health insurance.
When a married couple divorces or separates, the party with whom the child primarily resides, also known as the custodial parent, is generally the party who receives child support. The obligation to pay child support can also arise in other contexts, such as when paternity is established.
Typically, child support terminates when the child reaches 18 years of age. However, there may be circumstances where support obligation is extended or becomes indefinite, such as if the child is dealing with a disabling illness. The way in which child support is paid can also vary widely. Sometimes, child support will be delivered on a monthly basis, while in other cases, the distribution of a lump sum is more appropriate. A Frisco attorney could provide step-by-step guidance in negotiating a child support agreement.
Multiple factors can impact the outcome of a child support agreement. Notably, the income of the parent paying the child support, as well as the number of children the parties share, will be significant determinants of the final support amount.
The court will also consider other factors when determining whether to approve a proposed child support arrangement. For example, the judge may look at the child’s specific medical and educational needs. Additionally, how custodial obligations are split between each parent and the extent to which each parent pays for certain regular costs associated with the child’s upbringing can also play a role. A Frisco attorney could help parents in and outside the courtroom establish a child support obligation that adequately considers the child’s needs.
Discussions concerning child support will often accompany other family law issues, such as divorce, custody, paternity, and the division of assets. A Frisco child support lawyer could manage these issues and more on your behalf.
From filing the right legal documents and formulating a detailed child support agreement to representing your interests in court, our team could oversee all stages of your case from start to finish. Call Towson Law Firm, PLLC now to get more information about Texas’s child support laws and guidelines, as well as what legal options are available to you.
Our Law Firm’s approach to your case is based on individual circumstances. Whether it is a simple negotiated settlement, or it requires an aggressive approach, we will protect and defend your best interests.