Texas has a reasonably straightforward approach to child custody—which it calls conservatorship—and visitation. Like most places, it uses a best interests standard when determining which parent will have primary conservatorship and possession of the child.

In some instances, the court may determine that the parents will be joint managing conservators. In others, one parent will be the primary managing conservator. The court can also choose a 50/50 custody arrangement, giving both parents equal access and rights to the child. In those scenarios, the child often spends alternating weeks with each parent.

Frisco courts follow the same general rules regarding visitation as Texas courts. However, there may be some unique aspects of visitation in Frisco that would not apply in other locations. Working with a skilled visitation attorney familiar with the courts and available resources could ensure you benefit from these distinct characteristics.

Understanding Standard Visitation

Texas has a standard visitation schedule, which is presumptively in the child’s best interests. It allows the non-custodial parent to exercise visitation rights on some weekends, one night during the week, and a liberal holiday and school vacation schedule. The state even has alternate versions of this standard schedule, which account for parents who live more than 100 miles apart, children under the age of three, and parents who want more extended visitation periods.

Additionally, Frisco follows the best benefits standard when considering any deviations from standard visitation. They look at the following:

  • Parent’s relationship with the child
  • Their ability to parent
  • Any history of abuse
  • Substance use issues
  • Households
  • Child’s preference

Based on those standards, the court may alter visitation and deviate from the standard possession order.

One way a court may deviate from standard possession is to order supervised visitation. Most non-custodial parents do not want supervised visitation because it dramatically limits the time they can spend with their children and often comes with a financial burden that can be challenging for parents with limited resources.

None of these facets are unique to visitation in Frisco. Parents face the same challenges and concerns in custody and visitation considerations around the state.

Distinct Characteristics of Custody and Visitation

Frisco’s location in one of the nation’s largest metroplex areas means that residents are not limited in their resources when searching for alternatives to custody and visitation.

For example, if a parent needs a supervised visitation schedule, they could ask the court to consider a supervised visitation location in other parts of the metroplex. This can shorten the waiting periods between getting visitation and beginning to exercise visitation.

Frisco’s location means that both parents are likely to be able to find gainful employment within 100 miles of the child’s primary residence. Even if they cannot, the presence of multiple international airports—including ones that offer services through bargain airlines—means that parents can fly into and out of the area to exercise substantial visitation.

Frisco’s excellent economy means it is often possible for both parents to live and work in or near the area. When parents live near one another, 50/50 custody arrangements are possible. These arrangements go beyond traditional custody relationships and allow parents equal access to and time with the children. For more information on the unique aspects of visitation, speak with a Frisco lawyer today.

Talk to a Frisco Attorney About the Unique Aspects of Visitation

Although courts in Frisco follow the same rules and guidelines for custody and visitation as the rest of the state, the city’s thriving economy and prime location offer unique opportunities for co-parents.

These make negotiating custody arrangements easier, reducing time, stress, and disagreement among the parties. To learn more about the unique aspects of visitation in Frisco, schedule a consultation with an experienced family attorney.

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Our Law Firm’s approach to your case is based on individual circumstances. Whether it is a simple negotiated settlement, or it requires an aggressive approach, we will protect and defend your best interests.

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Meet Matt Towson
Meet Matt Towson