When people decide to end their marriage, the divorce process can take several months. The former couple needs to decide on many different issues and the legal process itself can take some time. Even if the parties agree to most terms and there are not many disputed issues, a divorce does not occur instantaneously.

During the waiting period, families cannot afford to wait for a court to issue a final decree on all matters. Some issues are too critical to wait for a final court order. Temporary orders in Frisco divorce cases can help families address the period between the dates of the initial separation and the final divorce decree. Our knowledgeable divorce attorneys could help you obtain a temporary order to protect your rights and your family.

What are Temporary Orders?

Temporary orders are directives given by a court. Essentially, temporary orders establish rules for the parties to follow regarding specific issues. They are just as legally binding as permanent court orders; however, they only exist during the divorce process. When a court issues a final divorce decree, the temporary orders are no longer effective.

To obtain a temporary order, a party to a divorce must go before a Frisco judge in a hearing. In the hearing, they must present their argument explaining why they need the order. The other party generally has the right to agree to or dispute the argument in court before the judge issues the temporary order.

Experienced attorneys understand that some issues are too important to wait until a final divorce decree. They could work closely with an individual, so they understand how to proceed.

What do Temporary Orders Cover?

Temporary orders offer quick solutions to critical issues that must be addressed immediately. Often, the purpose of temporary orders is to preserve the status quo until there is a final resolution. If the divorcing couple in Frisco has children, temporary orders can give the children a sense of stability. They do not have to worry about where they important matters, such as where they will live and who will pay for their needs. The specific matters that temporary orders cover can vary depending on the individual family situation and that family’s most pressing needs.

Most commonly, temporary court orders in divorce cases cover similar matters.

Temporary Child Custody

Temporary orders can determine where a child will spend their time. Temporary orders can be very specific and detail the exact time that a child will spend in each parent’s home. These orders can also set up visitation schedules.

Temporary Child Support

A parent who will have custody of a child during a divorce proceeding can ask a judge to set up a financial support system so that the noncustodial parent will provide child support.

Spousal Maintenance

One spouse might have been financially dependent on the other spouse during the marriage. For example, one spouse may have taken time away from their career to raise the children while the other spouse worked. People can ask for spousal maintenance payments, which is a form of financial support, during the divorce process.


If both parties are still living in the marital home when they file for divorce, a temporary order can determine who will remain in the home during the divorce process.

A dedicated legal team understands what kinds of issues need immediate attention and could work closely with an individual to help.

Call a Frisco Attorney About Temporary Orders When Getting a Divorce

Unfortunately, the divorce process can be lengthy. While you wait to finalize all the details, you should not have to wait on the most important matters. A determined legal team could help you obtain temporary orders in Frisco divorce cases. These temporary orders could help you provide stability for your family during this challenging time. Contact us today to learn more and schedule a consultation.

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Our Law Firm’s approach to your case is based on individual circumstances. Whether it is a simple negotiated settlement, or it requires an aggressive approach, we will protect and defend your best interests.

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Meet Matt Towson
Meet Matt Towson