There are many advantages to working with qualified legal representation when going through divorce. They could provide guidance and support throughout the process while advocating on your behalf. Family law proceedings, such as dissolution of marriage, parenting time and child custody arrangements, the division of property, and spousal support, also called alimony arrangement agreements, are complex and often emotionally charged.

Therefore, having an experienced divorce lawyer is essential for protecting your rights and the things that matter most to you and ensuring you understand your legal responsibilities. Call today to learn more about the benefits of a divorce attorney in The Colony.

Some Benefits of Contacting a Divorce Lawyer

Divorce proceedings are time-consuming and often stressful, even under the best of circumstances. There are many advantages of working with a qualified divorce lawyer in The Colony, and some include:

  • To handle the legal filings and paperwork
  • An advocate inside and outside of the courtroom
  • Take some of the stress off the individual’s shoulders
  • Ensure the party understands their rights and responsibilities
  • Handle skilled negotiations and communications with the other party and their attorney
  • Appropriately handle sensitive cases and provide experienced legal advice throughout
  • To look out for their client’s best interest and strive for a fair outcome without unnecessary tensions and ongoing court litigation
  • Help navigate complicated procedures, including support, property division, and child custody arrangements

Working with seasoned counsel could ensure people understand all their options for each procedure at length to make informed decisions and reach a positive outcome in their case.

No-Fault Versus At-Fault Divorces

As with many states throughout the country, Texas family law follows a no-fault divorce rule for most cases unless there are reasons for an at-fault dissolution of marriage under the family law statutes. Under the guidelines of the Texas Family Code § 6.001, neither spouse is legally required to provide evidence of fault or wrongdoing on behalf of the other for the family court judge to grant a divorce.

The regulations only require that the petition for a dissolution of marriage assert irreconcilable differences. That means unresolvable personality differences or conflicts are grounds for the court to grant the divorce. However, the family court judge will consider specific factors when one of the parties lists reasons for an at-fault divorce, including evidence to demonstrate:

  • Proof of adultery during the marriage
  • Conviction of a felony criminal offense
  • Cruelty or abusive treatment by one party
  • Abandonment and living at a different address for a minimum of one year

When the court determines one of the above actions occurred during the marriage, it may rule in favor of the spouse seeking relief, including granting them a higher percentage of the community property. Whether the individual is seeking to end the marriage for insupportability or other grounds, working with a divorce attorney in The Colony has many benefits.

Call Our Divorce Lawyers in the Colony Today to Learn About the Benefits

Navigating a divorce is often overwhelming and complicated; it can take a significant emotional, mental, and financial toll on everyone involved. Experienced legal representation could offer support and help negotiate the procedure to reach a fair outcome for everyone involved, keeping the proceedings as friendly and straightforward as possible.

Call to discuss your case and learn more about the benefits of a divorce attorney in the Colony. Reach out today and schedule your free consultation for later this week.

Meet Matt Towson

Our Law Firm’s approach to your case is based on individual circumstances. Whether it is a simple negotiated settlement, or it requires an aggressive approach, we will protect and defend your best interests.

Meet Matt Towson
Meet Matt Towson
Meet Matt Towson